Brain Training


A fun, non-invasive, drug-free treatment that helps you strengthen and retrain your brain.

Why neurofeedback (brain training)?

Many of the functions our bodies perform are not intentional or executed consciously. It would be safe to say we are not aware of all the intricacies going on inside our heads or how our emotions and thought are related to all the connections made in our brain

The brain contains billions of neurons that are constantly sending signals to one another in order to function. We are just beginning to learn what a key role these signals, called brain waves, play in our mental and physical health.

In the 1930’s it was discovered that exchanges between the neurons produce a small electromagnetic field. This discovery made possible to map those exchanges via Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG). 

How neurofeedback works?

qEEG Neurofeedback is an innovative way to manage our brains by studying the electrical activity, or frequency of our brain waves. It involves placing electrodes on the head that enable it to read the electrical signals emitted by the brain.

Certain brain wave frequencies represent the mental state in which we find ourselves. For example:

Alpha Frequency

When relaxed with closed eyes,

Dominant brain wave frequency is generally between

8 and 13 Hz.

Delta Frequency

When fully asleep

Dominant brain wave frequency is generally between

0.5 and 4 Hz.

Irregular brain waves can indicate dysfunction in the brain and correlate to a large list of conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc.

Neurofeedback informs our brains through visual and auditory feedback to learn to correct any irregular brain wave patterns.

Harnessing neuroplasticity, or our brain’s ability to change itself, neurofeedback gently guides the brain to self-correct brain wave patterns.

Neurofeedback is a student with a teacher sitting next to them, pointing out errors and allowing them to correct mistakes as they go.

As neurofeedback sessions progress, the brain begins to self-correct on its own without the aid of a machine.

What can I expect during a neurofeedback session?

During a typical neurofeedback session:

Several electrodes are positioned on your head.

Clips are placed on each ear, acting as grounding points and enabling the machine to measure brain activity on demand.

Electrodes take the brain waves recorded and compare it to the neutral activity measured on the clips on each ear lobe.

For the duration of the session, you will watch a video on a computer screen.  A dimming screen is placed in front of the images on the screen. When the brain makes the connections needed, it rewards with clear views of the video.

Why it works

The brain unconsciously learns to stabilize brain wave patterns in order to have the reward of seeing the video going, slowly reorganizing neurons little by little to perform at optimal levels and resulting in lifelong change.

The brain is a muscle, and like other muscles, if we make it repeat the same exercises, these end up becoming automatic. This is equivalent to a high-level athlete who practices the same actions until they become as natural as possible.

As with sports, we improve with practice, and eventually the brain is able to achieve these positive changes without the device. With neurofeedback, you become a participant in your journey to healing and brain optimization.

Is this something that could help me?

While neurofeedback is FDA approved to Anxiety and Depression, it is also used to treat stress, ADHD, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and many other neurological and psychological problems, it is a technique used to optimize the brain, therefore proving beneficial for anybody. It has been used to enhance peak performance in athletes and is good for improving attention, memory, and creativity.

What do I need to do to start neurofeedback (Brain Training) therapy?

A qEEG assessment scan will allow our trained professionals to determine the best neurofeedback plan for you. While there are some practices that offer neurofeedback without a qEEG, research has shown that qEEG-backed neurotherapy is more effective and cost efficient, as the data allows us to target the specific areas of your brain that need help.

Our staff will show and explain your qEEG results during the consultation and partner with you to create your own customized plan of action.

Is there science to support neurofeedback?

There is a plethora of scientific research supporting the effectiveness of neurofeedback, and it is quickly emerging as a promising field that can enhance quality of life for all ages.

This Technique has shown improvement is recent studies with people struggling with specific conditions.